Wow, after several years ive decided to try and resurrect this little blog of mine. I recently told a friend I missed having a place to write. Then out of nowhere a blog "challenge" if you will came about on a public group im in. So here I am and I'm going to try and keep this thing going. Bare with me as I make changes and update content. Feel free to sift through my old posts, you just might learn something new about me....

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Semi-Wordless Wednesday

Aiden's allergist told us that since only peanuts came up if we wanted to introduce other nuts that was okay, but we should be consistent with it.  He said almond butter {a family favorite of ours anyway} was a good option so long as we made sure Aiden had some on a weekly basis to keep him accustomed to it.  Enter Barney butter.  It was his suggestion for a 100% peanut free almond butter, a bit pricey at $7.99 a jar, but look at the results....  Such a hit!  He keeps going into the pantry and getting it and a spoon and asking for "pebub bubber".  We are working on him calling it Almond butter, but for now I'm just one happy momma!

{ps - sorry for the crappy cell pictures}


Cheryl said...

We had to be careful because of peanut allergies on my hubby's side. Thankfully we are allergy free but my son had nothing but almond butter for the first 4 years of his life.
Your little guy is too cute. Glad he likes the Barney Butter.
Happy WW!

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