Wow, after several years ive decided to try and resurrect this little blog of mine. I recently told a friend I missed having a place to write. Then out of nowhere a blog "challenge" if you will came about on a public group im in. So here I am and I'm going to try and keep this thing going. Bare with me as I make changes and update content. Feel free to sift through my old posts, you just might learn something new about me....

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Sick Baby & Rolling Over!!

Well Aiden is sick. First little cold. We took him to the pedi yesterday and he actually has RSV, a virus, and could be coughing for up to a month he said. It's a pathetic sad cough too. Thanks to my new camcorder from Kris we caught his cough on tape to show the Dr. - since they never act sick when you take them in - and the Dr said it was very helpful! Woot.

This morning little sick boy was laying on our bed, and I was talking to him and next thing I know he rolled over! I couldn't believe my eyes! He is 3 months exactly today too, what a special way to remember his first roll. So I rolled him back over, and he did it again! Kris grabbed the camera (again a lifesaver!) and we caught rolls 3 & 4 on camera. He did it once more but not the rest of today. Still very exciting. Here is that little snipit.


Ashley said...

Kerri, I hope he is feeling better by now!
hE IS JUST so darn cute. I can't believe how big he is getting. I love how I have been following since he was in your belly! :)

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