Wow, after several years ive decided to try and resurrect this little blog of mine. I recently told a friend I missed having a place to write. Then out of nowhere a blog "challenge" if you will came about on a public group im in. So here I am and I'm going to try and keep this thing going. Bare with me as I make changes and update content. Feel free to sift through my old posts, you just might learn something new about me....

Thursday, July 30, 2009

So I got in trouble...

Yep, you read that right. Me, a 25 year old married soon to be mom got in trouble, by my hubs AND my mom! Who knew. So here is the story.

I had been lazy all morning, watched my Today Show, Regis and had my bowl of Golden Grahams. I had played around on Facebook a bit and also updated the good ole' blog. Well it was 1230pm and I decided I was getting hot and should go take a nice relaxing cool shower. Who would think twice about that, right? WRONG! I will now be thinking twice about a cool shower (AND going pee...)

I enjoyed my cool shower, by noon it was already 100, so I soaped up and then just stood there enjoying Aiden's kicks and the cool water on me. I got out around 1 or so (you can take a longer shower when the water doesn't go cold on ya!). I get dressed, put lotion on the baby bump and make my way out to the living room. I pick up my cell phone and was shocked.... 5 texts, 5 missed calls, and the house phone starts ringing. It's my hubs cell phone that shows up on caller ID. He never calls our house phone since we have free mobile to mobile. I know I'm in trouble.

He immediately goes "where have you been!" Umm, I took a shower? While on the phone I'm looking over all those texts, 4 of which were him starting out sweet "hi honey, i love you" and becoming more panicked "honey, i'm getting worried, you aren't answering now...." and then one from my mom saying "why aren't you answering either phones or my message??" I explain to my hubs that I just was trying to cool off. After 5 minutes he seemed to have calmed down and told me he was sorry for the panicking and would talk to me later.

Now to defuse the mom situation. She wasn't thrilled with me to say the least. She started off by telling me another 5 minutes and she was planning to start calling Kris and asking him where I was because she was worried.

Now, fast forward a few hours and I was just sitting down to pee...hey, a preggo lady has to drink a lot of water ya know. Anyway, just as I sat down I hear the house phone ringing in the distance and just KNEW it was my mom. Sure enough it's mom. Now I get in trouble AGAIN. "Where were you this time?" lol

Fast forward a few more hours and we are all at the pool after dinner and just relaxing when my mom and hubs start talking about my lack of answering the phone today and I have now been told by BOTH of them that I am TOO CLOSE to having this baby (roughly 10 weeks or so) and that I need to start taking the phone into the bathroom with me.

So there you have it. It's now that time again for me to shower, get them in daily while I can, I hear this will soon change.... and I had to text the hubs who is at his brother's working on his car and warn him i was going to shower, and let my mom know. I still have to take the phone with me though JUST IN CASE. Boy do I love them, but it's going to be a long few months now that they are both starting to worry more.


Moments and Impressions said...

That is hilarious... I feel for you.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

aw haha, just found your blog and wanted to say hi!

Lift Like A Mom said...

Wow! I feel for you!! Sorry you can't pee in peace :)

~KC~ said...

haha! Love this story! Isnt that always the case, someone always decides to call when I'm occupied. At least you know they care, right?
And thanks for all the baby advice =)

JennyMac said...

OMG..this made me laugh. Hopefully, you get a bit of peace going forward.

Michelle@DomesticationoftheSingleGirl said...


I hear ya!! My bf always calls when I'm in my building's laundry room. He never assumes that maybe I'm showering, peeing, doing laundry...He always just panics and calls over and over and over.

And WE'RE the crazy ones? I think not.


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