Wow, after several years ive decided to try and resurrect this little blog of mine. I recently told a friend I missed having a place to write. Then out of nowhere a blog "challenge" if you will came about on a public group im in. So here I am and I'm going to try and keep this thing going. Bare with me as I make changes and update content. Feel free to sift through my old posts, you just might learn something new about me....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

One Bad Thing After Another...

My papa had a hip replacement years and years ago.... I remember being little.  Well in the last 3 weeks my papa has been in the hospital 3 times.  Once for difficultly breathing/loss of weight/dizzy, once for a UTI on Sunday, and then today he fell getting out of the shower {in the assisted living place we moved him to 3 weeks ago after his 1st ER trip} trying to answer the phone and he broke his hip! 

He has surgery in the early am - it's 1:17am now and we just heard from the Dr. {he fell around 7pm} that he has a bad break.  Here is his xray....

I am just worried sick now.  It's going to be a long haul for him to recover from this and it's been down hill since June for him.  I just feel like we are losing him - I know that is morbid, but I feel like it's down hill from here and he probably won't walk again.  Just keep us in your prayers if you are the praying kind.


Lindz said...

I'm so sorry. Hip injuries are the worst and that break look awful. My dad had a similar experience but he fell leaving a restaurant. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Jennifer said...

Will say a prayer for him :)

Moments and Impressions said...

thinking of you and your family... love and hugs sent your way

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