Woe is me. No one knows my name (blog), guess I should eat some worms? *sigh*
So last night on
thebump some of us lesser known bumpies (I'm KMS1025 if you care) were talking about how we feel like our opinions and questions don't matter much. For example, I could post a very important question about say, a sick baby - is this temp too high, was that too much spit up, is this reflux etc. and get maybe 50 views and 3 comments in response. A more popular bumpie (for the record I like the popular bumpies, they just hardly know me lol) could post something like "ugh, nothing good is on tv" and they will get 500 views and like 30 responses to it. Seriously? For what it's worth, when I type random posts like that I still don't get the responses or views that they do, i'm just picking random examples here people, please follow along.
I still post often, but I hardly ever admit to things because I fear being "flamed". Now I can't figure out for the life of me why an almost 26yr old mom (my bday is Jan 5 if you are keeping track) and wife is soo concerned with what thousands of online ladies think of me. Perhaps it's because I was always fat and the outsider in school, I still have that need to be liked and fit in? Problem is, I don't fit in. I'm not always worried about a slight fever or the amount of poop or color of it for the day. I'm just not the type to call the pedi all day long for questions about if it's safe to let Aiden meet Santa this year. He did, and it was a mall santa, and I didn't think twice about it. Also if you read my previous posts, you'll see how I allow my son to sleep on his tummy, which *gasp* other ladies would NEVER let their child do. That's fine, I understand, but that's why he's my son. Hey, we need sleep in this house people and I believe God will do what he wants in my life no matter what I do!
SO I just don't share on thebump like I wish I would. When I started on thebump I was 15 weeks preggo. I think I was left out from the start because I never was asking if I could eat hot dogs, or saying how much I missed my one can of diet coke a day. I ate nothing BUT hot dogs for a week this summer, I had sushi, I had up to 2 cups of coffee a day (per my dr for my headaches) I used Tylenol PM to sleep every night etc. I just am not the type to call my dr all the time for a funny feeling etc. I just trust my instincts. I know that people 50 years ago didn't have all these restrictions about hot dogs - why should I stress over it now? I just didn't "fit" the normal pregnant lady on
thebump. Oh, and I had a crap-ton of stretch marks before pregnancy, so I didn't whine "over 1 on my hip!", eh, I look like a cat used me for a scratching post people. Guess what, 2 month post baby and my hubby still loves me and dare I say it, makes love to me just like before I was all stretched out and flabbier than usual.
All of this led to another online factor of popularity... blogging. Yep, we all were being "sad and sorry for ourselves" as my husband would say. We were talking about how we blog for ourselves, and it's great to be read by ANYONE, but we always want more. One lady said she saw someone else have a D-list blog button. I need one! We all said "oh, i'll follow you if you follow me" etc. Sad thing is, even among the lesser-known fellow woe is me women... I followed 4 new blogs and gained 1 new follower. That is life, you give some and get less.
Now I do love my blog, I love sharing my thoughts, my photos, funny stories, or just have some place to vent. I do have some wonderful readers, active readers at that, who comment often, share opinions with me, and I've even gotten 1 award and 1 spotlight at BellyItch! I would have hoped the spotlight would have brought me more readers though...
I write this today because I am near my 200th post. I want it to be special. I want to have more readers. I want to be "popular". I want to have a giveaway. I can't do anything grand because I don't get, or know how to get for that matter (leave a message if you can help with this) free products to review for my readers. I would love to do some reviews, but I don't know how to get started. Point is, I want more blog love. My goal for the end of the year, which is fast approaching, is to go from 48 followers, to say 75. Is that asking too much? I want people to ACTUALLY read my blog too - you know, FOLLOW it.... if you read this, please don't just hit follow to help my numbers, that still wouldn't make me bump up to a C-list blogger.
So there you have it. My woe is me, I'm not popular, I want to be a "real" blogger post. Now, i'm off to hold Aiden - cuz I'm like, totally popular with him!