Wow, after several years ive decided to try and resurrect this little blog of mine. I recently told a friend I missed having a place to write. Then out of nowhere a blog "challenge" if you will came about on a public group im in. So here I am and I'm going to try and keep this thing going. Bare with me as I make changes and update content. Feel free to sift through my old posts, you just might learn something new about me....

Friday, March 12, 2010

You Like Me! A bloggy award...

Somebody gave me a new award!  And by somebody I mean somebody GOOD... it was the lovely gal over at "Really?  I'm a Mom?".  She's another new mom just like me, and she is going through the dreaded teething too!  Poor thing!  Anyway, she obviously thought I was good enough for this pretty little number, which I appreciate very much.  So thank you.  Go take a look at her blog, if nothing else, look at the cute little one - who doesn't love baby pictures?   She calls her son a monkey just like we do to Aiden, I'm not gonna lie, it makes me like her even more!

Ok here are the rules:

1. Put the award in your post or within your blog.
2. Pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers.

3. Link the nominees within your post.

4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blogs.

5. Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award!Now, to pass this award on to 12 bloggers who bring a little sunshine to my day!

12 people... geez this seems like a lot of work to link to people.  Sorry ladies, I'm too tired to go put together all the links.  Soo... umm, the first 12 ladies to comment on this post get the award!  Not that I actually think 12 of you will comment, but you may surprise me... Woot.  Now, go comment and tell me you are taking it!!  Quick... don't all rush to leave a comment at once..... Go....


Care said...

I came here to grab your button! I just wanted to say I read this post, but I don't think I will do this award. I can't think of 12 people!!

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