Wow, after several years ive decided to try and resurrect this little blog of mine. I recently told a friend I missed having a place to write. Then out of nowhere a blog "challenge" if you will came about on a public group im in. So here I am and I'm going to try and keep this thing going. Bare with me as I make changes and update content. Feel free to sift through my old posts, you just might learn something new about me....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy 101 Award....

I received this little award from Laura over at the luckiest this weekend.  I have seen this award floating around the bloggy world and always thought it was soo cute with the cupcakes - well now I can call it mine own!  The idea is to list 10 things that make you happy and then pass it on!
  1. My husband.  I could give you a ton of reasons why, but really I don't need to.  I just love him
  2. Aiden.  That's also a given.  He just makes me soo happy.
  3. Coffee - should also be a given, I have at least a cup a day - just heard the pot kick on now!
  4. My blog world.  I love having a place to be honest about my feelings, to share with others, to admit hard things like my current McFatty Monday's post, and to laugh and cry with all of you. 
  5. Reading a good book.  I love to cry when I read a book, or find myself gasping out loud. 
  6. Digging out the flip flops after a long winter.  Oh how I love my cheap Old Navy colored ones... yay for spring and painted toe nails!
  7. Target.  I just love me some Target.  We are boring people, last time we went we got formula and file folders and post it notes... but I NEVER pass up a chance to wander around and look!
  8. Working on Crafts.  I am learning to sew things and love doing so when I have the time.  I have a few projects lined up to get to.  Also I used to scrapbook a lot and if it weren't such a hassle to dig stuff out and then put it all away I'd work on it often.  One day I want a "craft room".
  9. Fall leaves and a fire in the fire place.  I am glad spring is here, or at least getting close, but I do always look forward to the changing colors and crackling of a fire burning.
  10. Sushi.  Oh I love me some sushi.  If it weren't soo expensive we'd have it every day in this house.
I could have put down a lot more, like the obvious family, friends, spending time together, wearing sweats etc... but I tried to tell you something new.  Now, to pass it on...


An Imperfect Momma said...

Congrats on the award!

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