Wow, after several years ive decided to try and resurrect this little blog of mine. I recently told a friend I missed having a place to write. Then out of nowhere a blog "challenge" if you will came about on a public group im in. So here I am and I'm going to try and keep this thing going. Bare with me as I make changes and update content. Feel free to sift through my old posts, you just might learn something new about me....

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bleh day....

So today is one of those bleh kind of days. It shouldn't be, we have a vacation coming up after all, but it is. I couldn't sleep all night, I took some Tylenol so my hips didn't hurt as much, but I woke up every 1.5-2hrs to go pee. I only had like half a bottle of water with dinner so I don't know where all this pee came from! I was soo very frustrated by 6am. I mean really, 5 pee trips 8.5hrs? So by 7 once Kris had gone to work I tried my best to steal all of his pillows and get comfy. I hunkered down and with only 1 more pee trip around 8 or 9 I managed to sleep until 11! I'm very tired and even started yawning at noon!

Then I ate breakfast, cereal, lucky charms to be exact. I watched some tv and got a tummy ache. I know right? Like not sleeping last night wasn't bad enough! So I finally managed to shower and I decided I will not do ANYTHING today, and proceeded to put on my favorite oh so ugly sweats of Kris'. These sweats I should explain have holes in the butt, the crotch, the pockets, the thighs, and thanks to me living in them the entire morning sickness phase of my pregnancy look very old. They hardly fit me today, but I don't care, they made me feel better.

So here I sit trying to decide what to eat for lunch. Do I make some passion tea? Do I have some root beer? Do I even get off the sofa or just wait all day until Kris comes home and asks why I am soo starving? lol Don't send hate mail, of course I'm going to decide to eat, not only do I have to feed this alien in my tummy who is contorting my stomach into many odd shapes today in his attempt to escape, but well, I love food too much to pass it up.

*sigh* okay off I go for now, yawning in the process. At least I have my soap opera to keep me company for another 30 minutes. I wish Kris were home. I know he needs to work, but I feel needy today and just want to curl up with him and do nothing but nap. Woe is me.


1. Heather (Live.Love.Laugh.) said...

At least its Friday.

Cute blog....

2. ~KC~ said...

I think we all have these days, I know I do! Some days I wish we had a money tree and my husband never had to go to work ever. Too bad it doesnt work like that!

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